
Showing posts from May, 2022

how many miles per running shoe

  It is a common misconception that the number of miles per running shoe indicates how long it will last. This usually refers to a marathon or ultra-marathon runner, who will likely run anywhere from 250-1,000 miles in their lifetime. This is due to the durability of running shoes used by this group.   Image source: However, for non-runners and lower mileage runners who are looking for more information about the longevity of their new purchase, the number of miles per shoe may be helpful in determining whether or not they should buy a new pair every year.   Image source: What does the number of miles per running shoe really mean? Here’s a look at how the number of miles per running shoe is calculated: For every pair of shoes you own or have destroyed beyond repair, add up how many total miles you have run in them.    Image source: This includes walking and everyday wear an...

how much do shoe designers make

  People do not always realize how much goes into the creation of a shoe. There are many people who need to be involved in order for a shoe to come to life, and each of those people have jobs which are specialized in order for them to provide the kind of competence they need. Shoe designers usually have some hand in every step, but there is one person who is responsible for creating and presenting the design so that it can be manufactured. The average salary for shoe designers can vary depending on experience, location and other factors like the type or number of shoes designed each year.The average salary for shoe designers is somewhere in the mid-twenties to high thirties.   Image source: Any foot type can be accommodated. Shoe designers are not limited to one brand or type of shoe. The job of a shoe designer includes creating the design, finding manufacturers and suppliers, as well as considering all other aspects that affect it in order to make...